Thursday, September 27, 2012

A new series is born on the CL blog. Dozens cheer.

Those of you who know my DJ will appreciate this. For years, the magazine was filled with regular articles like "Life in These United States" and "Humor in Uniform." During those years, my buddies and I wondered why we couldn't start a new feature, which we would call, "So-and-so, What an Asshole."

Separated from the DJ in this blog, I realize that I am free to do that thing I longed for lo these many years ago. I was reminded of it when I saw this book trailer. On the other hand, I feel marginally compelled to watch my language, given that I do not believe in public expressions of vulgarity. Ergo, some softness must be put into play. So, what can I say to kick this off, other than:

Arnold Schwarzenegger: What a Schmuck!

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