Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Ig Nobel Awards

Good grief. The Igs are this week. We almost missed them.

First of all, here's a list of past winners. You'll note that last year the biology prize was awarded to the team that discovered that a certain kind of beetle mates with a certain kind of Australian beer bottle. There are many other achievements of this nature that are honored by the awards.

Long acceptance speeches are not allowed at the Igs. To prevent them, Miss Sweetie Poo arrives at the podium after a minute has elapsed, announcing that she's bored. Why the Sweetie Poo idea hasn't caught on at other award ceremonies is beyond me.

A tip of the hat to Slate for starting us on this path.


Palmer said...

One of those Miss Sweetie Poos is the daughter of a college friend. Go fig.

Jim Menick said...

If we know her, could we get her for Big Bronx?