Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A subtle shift into first gear

Well, up till now we've been idling, except for the couple of folks who went to Camp Gahskif-Tadabayt. But I sent out a notice yesterday about Yale, and people are beginning to confirm, and I was entering data into the signup db, and all of a sudden it feels real again. And Craig is trying to drum up business for Wake, which I think is a bit of a stretch if one does a CBA, if the C includes corraling parents as well as spending money. I'm a firm believer in the need to corral parents, obviously, but judicious corraling is necessary. Debate lasts three or four years, there's a tournament practically every week, and when Mother Teresa's kids were doing LD even she told them that every once in a while she wanted a weekend without hearing about the social contract, feminism, or the metanarrative.

I would be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel with Caveman—I actually am up to metanarrative and Lyotard—if I could only kill the Hydra in God of War. Which, if you know God of War, means that I've gotten exactly nowhere. I wonder if I was cut out for this videogame business. If anyone HAS killed the Hydra, would you please tell me what I'm doing wrong.

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