Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Little Elvis that Could

I guess it's no surprise. Or at least it's no surprise to Claire. Buy yourself a serial to USB connector, plug one end into your HP 4P and the other into Little Elvis, try out a driver or two (there was none specifically for the 4P, so I ended up with a generic 4), and voila! The word "Test" comes out on a nice little piece of paper. And here's the thing. I love my HP. It's a war horse. No silly photo printing, no changing the cartridge more than once a decade. Put paper in, printed pages come out. It's older than Pip, I think. And will outlast Pip VIII.

And from the OMG division, I report the following. I went to Dia in Beacon yesterday. Great Googly-Moogly! They actually did have the pile of dirt on the floor from Caveman! They have negative sculpture! They have a lot of formalistic stuff, where some schmegeggie arranges things in a lot of ways and the reason it's art is not because of the material (string or flourescent light bulbs or boxes) but because of the arrangement. Lots of Warhol. A collection of white paintings on different media. (Makes those decisions at the art store so easy. "What'll it be today, bub?" "Oh, why don't you give me some white this time.") A lot of people from the City had moseyed up to the joint, looking like they had moseyed up from the City, if you know what I mean. That is, a lot of people were there who don't occur in nature, or at least nature as it is practiced in the Hudson Valley. It's a short walk from the train station. I can imagine their joy, taking a two hour ride up on the hottest day of the year, walking a couple of blocks in Death Valley sun and paying $10 each to see a series of paintings where the guy paints the date of the painting according to the style/language of the country. That's all the paintings are. Years of them, marked with the date. Little rectangles, all done by hand (I'll give him that). There was even that remarkable day in February when he painted two of them. Oh frabjous day!

If anyone wants to see the future, take the field trip to the Dia. Send me a postcard. I did like that wall of automobile sculpture pieces, and they had a nice picture of that. Send it to me care of the Musee D'Orsay. I'll be there looking at the Monets.

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