Monday, August 22, 2005

MHL is live

I sent out a bazoogle of messages today pointing people to the MHL site. I'm surprised how few of the messages bounced, and how few people wrote back and told me I should fold it seven times and stuff it.

I did cancel the first chez. The thing is, the meeting is specifically to give early prep to Ewok and HoraceMan, and neither could attend. Poor Ewok has to go on vacation with his parents. That'll bum you out... I mean, if he doesn't want to go, they can always take me. I could use a few days off. And HoraceMan (with God knows what strange superpower) is still out there making mocassins from birch bark.

Anyhow, all the mailing lists for MHL are up and running, and the next big job, after some calendar management (don't ask, cause I ain't a' gonna tell), is the Bump invite.

Little Elvis update: My portable mouse (a two-click jobbie) works like the proverbial charm. It Apple-mouses for the Apple, and PC-mouses for Virtual PC. Go, Little Elvis. Go!

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