Monday, April 10, 2006

Will States change? Will DMV change? Will Scarsdale change?

From the sounds of things, this years States was about the same as always. Will they ever do anything to improve things? 5 real rounds, for instance? Do nothing else but that, and they've done something good. Only time will tell. All my complaints are, as far as I'm concerned, still on the table.

Has anyone been to the EMT site lately? When I said that it had become fairly unaccessible after its latest upgrade, I wasn't just whistling Glory Glory Hallujah. I can't make tails nor tails of it anymore. Mostly there's pictures of people from the Guam district holding their trophies and each other in carnal embrace, plus all kinds of collateral advertising filling up the screen, and once in a while, O'C, not being in Guam, posts some imaginary piece like, What Are You Doing to Celebrate Festivus This Year? Not that I have anything against imaginary pieces, mind you: my favorite Superman stories when I was a kid were the imaginary tales, where Clark and Lois get married and move to Scarsdale and raise girl debaters. But me mums always taught me, if you've got nothing to say, don't say it. A little dead air won't kill 'em.

Scarsdale, by the way, for anyone who reads the Sunday Times Westchester section and can tell the difference between boys and girls, has something of a short-term memory issue. Maybe JoVan bans girls from the team, but back in the olden days, you couldn't swing a cat anywhere in the city without hitting half a dozen debaters of the female persuasion with their armfuls of trophies in carnal embrace. Oh, well. The paper got the rest of it right. That's something to be thankful for.

I managed to do a whole bunch of work on Menickcasts over the weekend. Halfway through Business. Started the Old Baudleroo. Even came up with a swell idea for the future. (Why doesn't anyone say "swell" anymore, anyhow? Should I say I came up with a boss idea (dead on arrival in 1965). Cool (always acceptable but a little too classic to encompass fleet and swift timeliness)? Def (yeah, right)?) Anyhow, I'll collect the material and get it organized over the next few weeks. There's obviously no need to rush, given that the debate year is about over, and business won't matter much to the team at this point since I just gave the lecture in person. And the Old Baudleroo isn't going anywhere. And I need to get some momentum on l'idee swell (as the Frenchies say).

Speaking of the Montrose Salts, I will collect the odd gob to plan for the NFA RR (on the CatNats topic), and then we'll need to attack the Pffft National topic. So there's chezzes in the Jolly Tar future, but the post-whimper weeks will mostly be concentrated stuff where I don't have to leave the house. I can live with that, no problemo.

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