Thursday, April 13, 2006

Move your electrons, bub!

Moving your electrons is, more or less, the advice Apple gives for preserving battery life in its various devices. If you want your Nano or Little Elvis to play at great lengths when not plugged in, you need to drain it every month or so. So I've been moving a lot of electrons lately, draining everything in site, including the PDA, Grandpod and my digital camera. And my brain.

This whole recording thing has been sucking me in big time. I finally learned why my hosting service wouldn't upload my files (too big), so I spent about an hour looking at various FTP programs for $, until I found a widget on the Apple site that claimed it would do everything I needed for no $. Thanks to the great difficulty of loading and getting software to work on Little Elvis (that was irony), about two minutes later I had FTP'd a 40 meg file to my site, and I was happy as a clam salesman. My issue now is a certain muddiness in recording. There's a way of fixing it, sort of, but the thing is, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't, and I can't figure out why. Much more reading to do of the FM, obviously. And scouring the web for user reports. Since my brain has been drained, there's lots of room for this stuff now.

There also needs to be room for, jeesh, Beaubourg. You'd think that someone tied the Old Baudleroo up and hung him from the rafters, the way he complains about the joint. And try to figure out why he's complaining! Oy. I mean, when I was there I pretty much loved the view and hated the art (lots of piles of dirt on the floor, so to speak) but I sort of got a kick out of the concept of exoskeleton. But back then I didn't give it a lot of thought. Besides, I had just walked through Les Halles and felt that I needed to tell Dante he'd missed a circle. Oh, well, further study will fit into my ongoing architectural explorations. I should have an opinion of some sort when I'm done... I'm thinking that the Old Baudleroo is going to force me into a series of random recordings rather than one overall lecture, just as he himself is, and I'm being kind here, random. I'm going to have to squeeze a lot of things in there. I hope you've been reading your copy of S&S along with me. I find that about one essay a day is enough. One really does want to play a challenge round of Find the Premise, but the OB just doesn't seem to care. Love me, love my assertions.

I guess that I'll have to wade back into WTF and see what responses, if any, I generated yesterday. No doubt by now I have managed to assure being blocked not only by everyone at TOC, but also at CatNats and NFL, neither of which I'm attending. But I do believe that there is a need for dialogue, obviously.The WTFers seem to think they hold the magic of debate as it ought to be in the modern age, while the LDEPers seem to think that they are in possession of the holy grail and that the code of the Templars does not allow heretics to even view it. These are not the real sides of the issue, but they are beginning to stand for those real sides. (Shades of the OB!) Normally the dialectic would work fine, but for some reason the two sides seem to not be particularly fond of each other. Maybe we can sort it out at TOC. Set up some kind of gladiatorial contest somewhere. Christians on one side, lions on the other. The only question is, who gets to be the lions?

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