This is how it is described on Amazon: A lot of things are happening all at once to Benjamin North. He’s starting middle school in a few weeks, his father has just remarried, which means that Ben now has a brand new stepmother (his dentist, of all people) and stepbrother (an annoying, nonstop eating machine), and on top of everything else, they’re all moving together into a new house that, to put it mildly, needs a little work. And if that weren’t enough, Ben discovers that the house seems to be haunted, a claim that no one else in his family believes.
But Ben finds an ally in his ghostly encounters. A mysterious girl in white whose name is Rose knows an awful lot about the dark history of this spooky old place. She will help Ben discover the deep secrets behind the spirits that roam these halls at night, and she promises to stand beside Ben when he finally faces the frightening truth of what is really going on in the house on Summer Street.
It's hard to write jacket copy like this. You want to tell the story without giving anything away. Whew.
The story is told from Ben’s point of view, which was rather fun to create. There’s something about a first person narrative, when you’re trying to create a particular character with a particular way of looking at things. When the character is a kid, that adds to the complications. Most of my editing and rewriting as I worked was eliminating anything that didn’t fit into being Ben, things that were too adult. That’s a hard business, because kids are way smarter than adults like to give them credit for, while at the same time, they are kids. You can judge for yourself how successful I was at that.
You can get a copy from Amazon. For a taste, there is an audio sample that I’ve read, if you’re just curious.
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