Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More rumblings of the new season

So CP goes to Edinburgh, and suddenly he thinks he invented it or something, when in fact, everyone else was there first. This is what happens when you let the whippersnappers off the farm too soon. It’s not going to be easy getting him back into harness again when he returns. If he returns. (He claimed that he discovered the musical of Theory of Justice, which loyal members of the VCA know I was posting about back when CP was still in short pants. I’ve got to get these people off my lawn!)

Another sign of the new season: The NYCFL moderators’ meeting is set. I wonder if Catholic Charlie looked at my schedule first to find out when it was. And so yet another whippersnapper is discovered taking up space on my lawn.

The Pups did send out the first Get Your Judges Organized message, which will at least start people thinking about things. The problem is that around here school starts on September 9, which this year is roughly around Christmas Eve. If people don’t start getting their acts together now, it’s going to be way late before they know it. I think there’s a tendency on the part of a lot of people to assume that college tournaments have unlimited judges available, which as far as I can tell is never the case. O’C is the only one with an infinite bag o’ judges to pull from for HumongoBrongo (and even then, no two teams seem to be able to pref any of them identically). Oy.

I’ve begun putting Bump together. I found the leftover trophies from last year, and the old trophy order, for a start. And I’ve pulled out my notes from 2012, which I would have otherwise forgotten. There will be some serious changes, and a complete lack of tolerance for missed judging rounds. Schools that annoyed me throughout last season with their endless shenanigans will not be allowed in until every slot is taken by the good debate citizens, if then. And I will not be allowing any hurricanes to disrupt the season, as happened last year, so I won’t lose all of New Jersey in the bargain. One big issue is getting back a bunch of rooms we lost in the grammar school, but even so, I’m pretty sure that I’ll pass on Novice PF. I hate to do it, and let’s face it, PF is more profitable than LD, but I can fill up that entire building with LDers, or I can cut things too tight in both divisions. I prefer the former.

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