Friday, August 03, 2012

Hope springs eternal in the Menickean breast

I'll bet anything I've used that headline before. More than once. I am so much the eternal optimist! When a glass is filled to the brim I see a glass that isn't half empty. What can I say? I'm a Pollyanna.

[Translation: I upgraded to Mountain Lion overnight and haven't checked yet to see how everything is working. I'm writing this on a different machine.]

And did I mention that I have a couple of Sailors lined up to Pfffft at Yale? Of course, when you think about it, there's only one shot at one topic for Septembrists, which seems like a squandering of mental resources, but then there's literally something every weekend in October, given that these two are young 'uns who can debate at the MHL and CFL. So I'm really rooting for October to be a good topic. That's where the money is.

I keep getting bulletins from the front, i.e., Vegas, from O'C, who's never met a physical space he didn't immediately check into. I do not find it ironic in the least that he went to see a ventriloquist act in the middle of NFL, but that's just me. He's also eaten every few minutes, often with people I would have liked to be eating with myself. Ten to one, however, that someone else is now mayor of Japonica. Or let's put it this way, I'm hoping that someone else is now mayor of Japonica...

And I do admit some curiosity over what the NFL was up to. Their website is wonderfully informative, if you don't want any information. Your annual dues at work! Rumor has it that they're changing the name of the organization to "The People Who Talk A Lot About One Thing or Another in Front of Other People," or something similarly mellifluous, but I could be wrong about that. Maybe, seriously, they'll start understanding someday that they are not a national organization if they ignore the needs of areas like the northeast. But probably not. Greater minds than mine have made the case.

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