Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bump registration (pretty much) closes

Holy cannoli. I got near the end of space for Bump, noted said information to likely suspects, and they decided to break down the doors all of a sudden. There is a mathematical curiosity underlying this. I seem to have the same schools as always in the same number, and nevertheless there are other same schools as always who didn’t make the cutoff. Go figure. Then again, I don’t feel particularly guilty about excluding people, because as I say in the invitation, we do always fill to capacity, so early registration is advisable. I don’t reserve for anyone in advance, except for the tabfolk’s schools (for obvious reasons: “Hey, Vaughan, you can tab but your team can’t come!”). To accommodate as much activity as possible, I’ve pulled the actual list of rooms from last year, and I think what we’re saying is VLD in the HS, PF and Nov in the grammar school. This would mean that, with the tiniest handful of available PF and Nov slots remaining, we’re a done deal. Although with luck I should scrape up some space for the schools on the waitlist with no slots. Everyone else can fuggedaboudit. I’ve sent out an email to the registrants telling them that they’re the nicest people on earth, so now they can supply names instead of numbers.

Good. Now we can move on.

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