Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Everything's jake; SCOTUS; the paradigmatic utilitarian

Great googly-moogly! I have actually signed up for a tournament for 2007-8. As the song says, “That’s why everyone loves New York / The Bronx, the beautiful Bronx.” I’ve got to get myself some judges, but I think I’ll wait till school starts. There’s a few ex-Sailors in Manhattan who would be fine both for LD and Pffft. But since they’re also college freshmen, they may wish to find their dorm rooms first.

I finished watching that Supreme Court TV series last night, and I continue to highly recommend it. By the time you get to the Warren and Rehnquist courts, you’ve got not only real interesting stories but also more personally relevant history than the Marshall court. Obviously one needs to understand Marbury from a historical point of view, but one has an emotional attachment (one way or the other) to Roe and Brown v Board and Griswold. Good stuff.

I’ve also finished Harry Potter. I have to admit, I’m glad to put the whole thing behind me. And I was happy to have read it without having the ending spoiled (FYI, at the end Harry turns out to be Kaiser Soze). So now I’m thinking about doing my summer debate reading. There’s this book on the biology of morality (more on that as I continue through it), plus some survey slogs, the never ending story of Manny the Kant, the odd pomo slash cultural studies book I couldn’t resist buying and which now lies in my ever growing pile on the bed table, etc. I’m away next week traveling through New England (which means no need to torture myself reading daily bulletins from WTF, and no need for you to torture your little self with daily bulletins from Coachean HQ), so something for reading on the odd B&B porch is required. Last time we did this I remember having my lovely hardcover edition of Moby-Dick, which I have to admit I wouldn’t mind looking at again (all those reviews of the Leviathan book, I guess). But I will forebear my personal pleasure for the greater good of the Sailor community. Am I a brick or what?


K Menick said...

I've got a copy of that Leviathan book, actually. Someone sent it to us. You want it?

Anonymous said...

Oh you dont like the school jersey. It's not like you offered me your stylish sweater. In fact you left me out here in the desert to fend for myself. What else could one do?