Thursday, April 15, 2010

TVFT announces hiatus, @NN announces ignoble return, etc., etc., etc.

We are nearing the end of this season on TVFT. Which is interesting, because until last night, we weren’t even aware that we had any seasons. But taking one consideration with another, it seems that this is the time to fold, while we’ve still got a few chips on the table, or something like that. We were going to comment on the Pffft comments last night, but we were all sort of tired of Pffft, although we did excoriate the CatNat Pffft topic for a while because, well, if ever a resolution deserved looking up the word excoriation in the dictionary, this one is it. I should be going to Omaha just to judge that rez. I’d pick up the con every time, sort of a mercy ballot. Actually, word on the street (if the street is in the Vatican) is that they’re using the resolution to weed out the atheists in the organization. Anyone who casts a con ballot will immediately be sent to Texas for regrooving, after first emptying their pockets of all those two-dollar bills with TJ’s picture on them, not to mention leaving their nickels behind for charity. I think they’re giving the TJ-branded lucre to Parker and Stone to back their upcoming Mormon play on Broadway.

Is the world getting weirder, or is it just me?

Anyhow, last night we also talked about tricks and psych-outs, although mostly that turned into a discussion of the more subtle aspects of the debating game. I actually suggest you listen to this one, if you’re a debater. You might get something out of it. You’ll also get to see the quintessential O’C, because for no known reason, in the middle of the podcast he wanders off. That stuff doesn’t wash out, in other words.

And then I think we’ll wrap it up next week, or maybe have one more show after TOC. I know that Bietz has written a manifesto of sorts to the Advisory Committee (how unusual) with various suggestions, but I don’t know what they are, nor how much he wishes to reveal, although normally he’s pretty forthcoming about stuff like that, given his commitment to transparency. I like to think of it as Open Bietz. Whatever. So one more or two more shows, then a break for a while until so much new stuff builds up for next season that we have no choice but to continue. However, I may try to get some folks on the side to record interviews or something, just to keep the momentum going. We’ll see. Skype makes it so easy to do, I figure, why not?

Meanwhile, if you’re following @NostrumNation on Twitter you saw the message that Buglaroni will be returning. That came as quite a surprise to me, I have to admit, because nothing I’ve seen in the future episodes (not that I’ve seen all that much, although I am a week or two ahead of you for obvious reasons) has any HPB in it. So I guess it won’t be for a while. Still, at least even I can now see the point of following the guys’ tweets, although at the moment I think I’m the only one who does.

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