Friday, August 15, 2008

It must be 8/15; it sounds roughly like David Lee Roth (eewwww!); "Luke, I am your mother-in-law"

Morality? I have died and gone to heaven! I’m not sure about the topic per se in terms of arguability, but I never really care about that all that much. What I’m interested in is, in September and October, the training of the newbies, and since I’ve already moved morality up in the Cur to a prime early placement, this is rather a divine coinkydinky. Plus it gives me stuff to bloviate on in general here. PF being on the draft could possibly be prefatory, in brainstorming terms, to the comparable LD topic for the new season, although it seems a little less satisfactory as an LD topic than as a PF topic. In PF one can look at the practical situation of the army we have and the battles we are fighting, whereas in LD one must look at an underlying principle in support of defending the polity, and from that perspective it’s a lot harder to see a reason against it, aside from prioritizing saving one’s one neck over saving one’s society’s neck. Anyhow, that’s a possible, and the other is in the here and now. This will be fun. I’m scheduling a chez meeting for Tuesday. Welcome back, Jolly Tars.

I can’t believe how many songs I have, after finding and presumably identifying all my music, that remain unidentified. My list of untitleds is astounding. I am still hours away from the clarity of poddishness that I seek, although I have to admit that this clarity wasn’t exactly present before the crash. Plus there’s still a lot of music to rip to get back to a loaded position, a long and tedious process. At least it’s not fulltime, like the porting of cassettes into mp3s, but it’s also not plunk, plunk, you’re done. And the automatic acquisition of album art is a curious business. 90% of the time it works. 5% of the time it finds nothing. And 5% of the time it finds some really weird thing that bears no relationship to what you were looking for. Anyhow, iPod updating has become my main hobby. Don’t even get me starting on alphabetization by first name.

O’C texted me that he mistakenly wore his Howard the Duck costume for the opening of Star Wars: The Inanimate Cartoon. This is not a faux pas as bad as his wearing his Liberace costume to the opening of Indiana Jones and the One Sequel Too Many (or Rocky 8 as some people call it). But still, it does show a sad inability to get the cosplay closet organized correctly. We all do need to get our minds back on the debate business. Summer has obviously gone on for too long.

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