Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Signing up; printing up; loading up

So, we’re signed up for the Pups, including even some Speecho-Americans. And I’ve opened business for Sailors to consider getting on a roll (i.e., signing up for the Kaiser) and will shortly offer them the Exchester-Mansex (that doesn’t look right) todo at the end of October. And I volunteered (for reasons that elude me) to be a vigilante for Rippin’ (that doesn’t sound right either). I kept coming up with all sorts of reasons not to do it, but none of them convinced me. And I do so desperately need more to do.

I spent most of today cursing IT for their mis-building of my MacBook Pro. By the end of the day I could do most everything except print Quark files; needless to say, the Day Job being, uh, editor, the ability to print stuff is sort of germane. The guy who knows everything is, of course, on vacation, and I’m working with the guy who knows the guy who knows everything. In the corporate environment, they usually don’t give you the rights to do much on your personal machine, which I understand, having been in a position of dealing with users myself back in the deep, dark past, but that means that I’m beholden to people who have other things to do, while I also have other things to do, but it requires that they do my thing first. It’s a mug’s game. (On the other hand, Mac people, most apps will run fine out of directories other than applications, but don’t tell anyone I told you this…) I do like the big screen though. Doesn’t make much sense for anything other than a desktop replacement, really, given its heft, except maybe for the occasional jaunt, but it’s nice to be able to fit more stuff on the screen more easily. If I were so inclined, I could watch Howard the Duck in CinemaScope; the good news is, I am not so inclined.

Phase one of rebuilding the MegaPod—centralizing the library—is done, and I now have about half of what I used to have loaded up. And so begins the laborious but curiously interesting task of choosing CDs to rip and then ripping them. Too many Beach Boys last time. Who are the Bottle Rockets? All of Sweetheart of the Rodeo, or just the stuff on the Byrds’ greatest hits set? As you can see, I’m up to the Bs. In rock. My CDs are sorted by rock, world, jazz/cabaret, classical, shows and Christmas. And alphabetically within categories. Which is probably why I like random shuffles on the iPod: it’s the antithesis of what I’m used to.

You’re going to love the musical portion of the Bump welcome podcast…

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