Friday, August 01, 2008

The first weekend in August and there's still plenty of summer left. Good or bad?

The Sailors wish to field a Pfffft team they are calling PB&J. Students of the breed know well that this in inaccurate and will not do. Peanut Butter and Termite, however, is perfectly acceptable. Look for PB&T at a tournament near you!

I’ve decided not to register for Big Jake. Who needs the aggro? I think I’ll spend that weekend spelunking. Of course, by doing so I run the risk of bumping into O’C in his hidey hole. Some things you just can’t escape.

I do love the way people are announcing their registrations earlier and earlier. Obviously Jake isn’t till the end of October, so how does one seriously register for it with anything other than dummy names (except for Peanut Butter and Termite, which are real names)? Lakeland has beat O’C at his own game, sending their invite through the NDCA listserver yesterday, for a tournament the end of February. Maybe it’s just that people are getting antsy, thinking about the new season. That I can understand, especially as, night after night, I move through the curriculum. Last night I got to the part where I break it to the newbies that they have to wear suits to tournaments and look like little lawyers. Most of these people haven’t worn a suit ever in their lives, unless they belong to a family of undertakers, and even there I think the casual look has taken over; I can imagine a funeral director’s memoir entitled The Pallbearer Wore Cargo Shorts. Or homey pants, those droopy things that are supposed to be urban chic but are mostly just updates of the Dead End kids. Whatever. I know: you don’t read this blog for fashion tips. (Although you should, but we just won’t go there: can I interest you in yet another pair of L. L. Bean chinos?)

Last weekend we visited Kykuit, the estate of the Rocky Fellows a little south of HenHudLand. Good old Nelson collected enough sculpture to rank this joint as high as any I’ve seen in that category: you name it, you’ll see it on the grounds somewhere. Mostly modern stuff, of course, in keeping with Nellie’s main interest, although there are a few older pieces. Plus there were paintings, tapestries, and the main house itself. The tour was not cheap, and I’m probably not alone in thinking that they should have at least handed out memorial dimes at the end of it. This weekend we’re off to MOMA to see the prefab houses and the Dali exhibit, including Destino, his never-released Disney collaboration. Dali was quite the star in his day, and there’s a great book on his 1939 World’s Fair exhibit that paints him as an extremely sought-after celebrity. Of course his best-known film work is Un chien andalou, but there’s also the great dream sequence in Spellbound, not to mention all the Dali-inspired work that MGM used to pump out without his participation. Surrealism does have its charms… We may also head down to the Bronx to see Henry Moore at the botanical gardens. And grab some grub on Arthur Avenue. You know something? I’m starting to enjoy this summer more and more. This must be what normal people do when they’re not off gallivanting to tournaments every weekend. If you happen to know any normal people, would you ask them for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The Pallbearer worge cargo shorts" is pretty funny.

Your description of New York Land makes me nostalgic for all of three weeks ago, when I was studying FDR and Eleanor on the federal dime at Hyde Park and galvilating around the upstate area seeing many estates. Apparently Eleanor, because of the many threats the KKK made on her life, had a pistol permit and was a pretty good shot. Not that she ever knocked over the A&P or whatever it is that they had in 1950s Hyde Park, but still. UNDHR indeed.