Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The wacky hipster from Weimar gets a double word score from the Pups while drinking caipirinhas in Po'keepsie

I now have a new MacBook Pro at the Day Job. My goal is to have a new MacBook Pro that does everything my old PowerBook did. Some people call me a dreamer. But then again, some people called Nietzsche a great bongo player. Draw your own conclusions.

HoraceMan, TSWAS, may have started a Scrabble game with me with on the new EA app on Facebook. Or maybe not. It’s his turn but it’s my move! The app works about as well as my new MacBook Pro. For that matter, the app works as well as Nietzsche used to play the bongos. The Scrabble app on my iPod isn’t much better. What Hasbro needs to do is find some hungry young programmers, maybe a couple of brothers, and go through the back door…

Tomorrow is Yale registration. Hoop-de-damned-do, in the immortal words of Clarence Thomas. I don’t have enough Sailors to man a dinghy through the Sea of Pups, but then again there are just enough to require another adult with a vehicle. Sigh.

And O’C is already ordering the peanut butter sandwiches for his Vassar RR. I’m not quite sure how he gets away with curried tofu from a place called Babycakes. This may all be a bad dream. He and I do seem to be zeroing in on our assault of a nice Brazilian restaurant in NYC for his Jake RR, on the other hand. Which is making me wonder, how many RRs does this guy run? How many RRs does this world need? Doesn’t anybody ever go to school anymore?

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