Monday, March 31, 2008

And somewhere amidst all this hoo-ha, Link and I solved the Temple of the Winds

It was nice to do not thing one or thing two debatewise over the weekend. Shades of the summer to come. (Although come to think of it, I did do thing three, and thing four, for that matter, and thing five, now that I think about it, but no weekend is ever entirely free of forensics.) Mostly I printed up little covers for my DVDs that I’ve recorded, so that’s all nice and neat, plus I got back into the ripping of my cassettes (it was nice to hear Hank again, and if you have to ask Hank who, we are not from the same planet). By the way, I am thinking of entering a twelve-step non-digression program, thus eliminating parentheses, em dashes, and all of my various wanderings off from the subject at hand, but I gather the first step is admitting that I have a problem, which I don’t. I just happen to like digression. I’ve got a copy of Tristram Shandy at my side at all times while my favorite book ever is Moby-Dick. I don’t have a problem, bub. Mind your own business, anyhow, you spalpeen!

I was somewhat taken by the article on newspapers in last week’s New Yorker. You might want to check it out; we’ll be (reluctantly) acting on its conclusions over the summer. Change or die, I guess.

I also futzed around with the flogblog app on Facebook, which simply was not flogging my blog, and discovered that certain people who will remain nameless also have a blog, which I read with great interest, even though it hardly mentioned me at all. And would it kill you to add a comments feature? Anyhow, nice promotional job, fella, making me find this all by myself. The noive. Next thing I’ll find out that even O’C has a blog that hardly ever mentions me at all. Oh, wait a minute. He has WTF, which has made him a multimillionaire. I forgot about that. And meanwhile the rest of us are left scraping the barnacles off the forensic ship, trying to make a meal out of them, or something comparably (and perhaps superiorly) metaphoric.

We are coming into the final innings of the Northeast Championships registration; if you haven’t already done so, you’d better ink your little names onto its electronic roster ASAP. None of the divisions are monstrously big, but LD especially is quite respectable for what is a first-time out. If we coordinate with the Massachusetts folks next year, we could really get a clambake going. What’s been most illuminating is figuring out the workings of, including its housing, which has kept me entertained no end as I send one missive after another to CP complaining about, well, everything. I think housing is a major problem because real functionality would have required that it had been built in to the original programming, and no matter how you slice it, it remains an adjunct. I will unquestionably (and much to CP’s annoyance, no doubt) use the program for Bump, though. It’s just so much easier than doing it all by hand.

On the home front, we only have a couple of more meetings of tutti of the Sailors frutti. Finish up Caveman for the non-ribbon clerks tomorrow, then a trivia bash next week, and then it’s over and out, aside from working with Alli (whose new nickname is on the launching pad) on CatNatting. It’s been an interesting year, with what seems to be a solid gain of dedicated novices poised to become dedicated jayveers. Ah, second year. It’s always the hardest, because you spend most of it getting your head handed to you by varsity seniors. But it has been ever thus. I don’t see this crop necessarily veering into the Pfffft world, at least not yet. Speaking of which, I’m surprised that none of my crew signed up to Pfffft it over at Newburgh. In a way I’m happy, though, because that topic is murder. I mean, we’d all have to learn about it from scratch, and if it were easy to understand, the government wouldn’t be doing it in the first place, or would have done it ages ago. So I guess we dodged a bullet there, and I shouldn’t complain about it. But has that ever stopped me before?

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