Monday, September 03, 2007

I refuse to make a pun using the word Czech

So, I'm in Prague, and you're not. I arrived Sunday morning at 6:00, which is way to early to arrive in most places, but at least I did sleep three hours on the plane, so I wasn't totally wired. My theory is that walking around in the sun is the best way to handle jet lag, so that's what I did, and Prague is definitely a very nice place to walk around. It's a pretty city, with architecture ranging from very old to very new, so there's something around every corner, not to mention the people watching. Since I was just here last year, this time I explored some back-corner areas I had missed the first time around, and it was just as enjoyable, if not exactly as mainstream. Then last night there was dinner with the assorted Day Jobbians from around the world, and then so to bed. This morning, our first meeting was at 8:30. The down side of sleeping only three hours on the plane the night before meant that I slept through my alarm and awoke at 8:20. The good news is, I can move quickly if I have to! I managed to get to the meeting a couple of minutes early, and after that, business was fine, and then, since I have wireless, here we are. Hi there!

I've communicated with CP about his software, which doesn't think I'm an administrator. Frankly I think he's punishing me for being in Prague, which isn't fair, because I'm over here working, not gallivanting, as he seems to think. In any case, I hope to sort this out soon and set up MHL registrations that way.

I'm also trying to get the Huddian Manchester registration sorted out. My guess is we'll have to hire quite a bit of judging, so I want to sign up early to be on the safe side with that. Presumably they have lay judging up the wazoo for PF, so I'll probably put our judge into LD, as it's 1F's mother chaperoning the trip, and she is quite capable as a parent judge. I've read her ballots, and she does this the way it should be done.

Back home, the Sailors are, no doubt, smiling through tears as they enjoy their last couple of vacation days. Last week it occurred to Termite that it was about time to do the summer reading. I know how he feels. I didn't do half what I intended this summer, but then again, I did get such good stuff out of Moral Minds that I don't feel I wasted the whole thing. Termite was positing that, if we had no police, we'd all be immoral, according to some philosopher chappie he was reading. Right. He is ripe for the trolley (about which more later).

Speaking of Moral Minds, no, I was not convinced that we are born with a literal moral sense, but I was not convinced that we are not. What is clear is that we are born with certain predilictions that are entwined with morality, and it was interested reading about those predilictions in the wild. I will add it to the reading list, but I won't fall over myself pushing it. It's not core, but it is fun, and worth a visit.

So in a few minutes I'm off (in the rain) to dinner. If anything interesting happens, you'll be the first to know.

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