Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Celebrated Jumping Nostrum of Calaveras County

I finally got back to Nostrum last night. I haven’t recorded any episodes for quite a while, starting with being sick a while, and then vacating, and then business tripping. Once I got into the swing of being in a hiatus, I was beginning to sort of revel in it. But it’s Back to School time again, I’ve bought the new marble composition book, I’ve sharpened the number two pencil, I’ve polished the apples for the teachers, so I have no more excuses. Curiously enough, it was one of the episodes I always especially enjoyed, which just to happens to be one of the episodes that least lends itself to podcasting, to wit, the Jumping Frog episode on Postmodernism. In the narrative, a young teacher explains pomo to her class (and does quite a reasonable job of it, if you ask me; “Caveman” has nothing on Jules and the Nostrumite). Then, as Mark Twain did with the Jumping Frog story, there is a French translation (done by Babelfish), followed by a translation back into English, also by Babelfish. There was no way I was going to read either the French or English translations, but I did publish them in the pdf. In any case, I’m back in business, and if you want to know what I’m talking about, read on.

Le Nostrum sautant célébré du comté de Calaveras
From English to French, via Babelfish

Je finalement ai obtenu de nouveau à Nostrum la nuit passée. Je n'ai enregistré aucun épisode pendant tout à fait un moment, commençant par être malade un moment, et évacuer alors, et puis le déclenchement d'affaires. Une fois que j'entrais dans l'oscillation d'être dans un hiatus, je commençais à la sorte de revel dans elle. Mais elle a lieu de nouveau au temps d'école encore, j'ai acheté le nouveau livre de marbre de composition, j'ai affilé le crayon du numéro deux, j'ai poli les pommes pour les professeurs, ainsi je n'ai plus d'excuses. Assez curieusement, il était l'un des épisodes que j'ai toujours particulièrement appréciés, que juste s'avère justement être un des épisodes que mineur prête lui-même à podcasting, à l'esprit, à l'épisode sautant de grenouille sur Postmodernism. Dans le récit, un jeune professeur explique le pomo à sa classe (et fait tout à fait un travail raisonnable de lui, si vous me demandez ; l'"homme des cavernes" n'a rien sur Jules et le Nostrumite). Puis, comme la marque Twain a fait avec l'histoire sautante de grenouille, il y a une traduction française (faite par Babelfish), suivie d'une traduction de nouveau dans l'anglais, aussi par Babelfish. Il n'y avait aucune manière que j'allais lire les traductions en anglais françaises ou, mais je les ai éditées dans le pdf. De toute façon, je suis de retour dans les affaires, et si vous voulez savoir de ce que je parle, lisez dessus.

Jumping Nostrum celebrated county of Calaveras
From French back to English, via Babelfish

I finally obtained again in Nostrum the last night. I did not record any episode during completely a moment, starting with to be sick one moment, and to evacuate then, and then the release of businesses. Once that I entered the oscillation to be in a hiatus, I started with the kind of revel in it. But it again takes place at the time of school still, I bought the new marble book of composition, I sharpened the pencil of the number two, I polished apples for the professors, thus I do not have more excuses. Enough curiously, it was one of episodes that I have always particularly appreciated, that just precisely proves to be one of the episodes that minor lends itself to podcasting, to the spirit, with the frog episode jumping on Postmodernism. In the account, a young professor explains the pomo with his class (and completely does a reasonable work of him, if you ask me; the "homme of the caves" does not have anything on Jules and Nostrumite). Then, as the Twain mark made with the jumping frog history, there is a French translation (made by Babelfish), followed of a translation again in English, also by Babelfish. There was no manner that I was going to read the French translations in English or, but I published them in the pdf In any event, I am back in the businesses, and if you want to know of what I speak, read above.

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