Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Looking forward to 2008-9

So if you ask me, the 2007-8 season is practically over. I’ve booked up rooms for Yale, gotten notified by O’C that Big Jake is opening any minute, I’ve got a memo to myself to order a new set of Bump mugs (and every time I drive by the trophy place I think, it won’t be long, plus I’ve got half the website updated), I’ve got a tentative MHL schedule out, I’ve committed to the Gem of Harlem, I’ve filled out a list of which NFL topic I prefer in which season that’s only about half as complicated as putting a man on Jupiter, and I’ve had enough of the WTF Camp Follies to fuel my personal bile through March (although I do thank Bietz for posting the philosophy test, on which I did fine, thank goodness). What else is there?

Last night I started watching a fairly recent PBS series on SCOTUS, and I instantly recommend it to students who may not have this history down pat. Part one went from Jay to Taney, mostly concentrating on the key Marshall cases that made the court what it is today. If you know this stuff already you probably won’t learn much, but as a general survey it was quite well done. Lots of talking academic heads, plus, so far, S. D. O’Connor and (Nabokov fans will rejoice at this reference) J. R., Jr., since presumably HHH was already taken.
(I print the whole url rather than putting in a href because lately the hrefs haven't worked here. Go figure.)

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