Friday, July 20, 2007

Enough, already!

Personally, I think WTF should put a special link to camp activities. All this second-by-second front-page coverage eats away at their well-earned position as the central LD site. What could be less central than all this inside-baseball stuff about their camp? I have nothing against their camp, but also absolutely no interest in it. No one is interested in it, unless they’re there or have kids there (although I seriously doubt if most parents really wonder what module little Johnny will choose today). It erodes the integrity of the site, not by showing any lack of integrity, but by concentrating on its own interests and not anything of interest to the LD community in general. I think the site has grown in appeal over the last year, reaching a good balance, making it central to that LD community in general. And now the balance is off again, and it’s going to take a while for it to return. Sigh…

So what to do if you’re the central site and it’s summer and there’s nothing going on? Well, there’s nothing wrong with the odd hiatus. Would it kill the LD community to go to a baseball game, get a job, read a novel, go to the movies, be like everyone else for the summer? I mean, aside from the fact that they debate, members of our community really are like everyone else, shocking though that may sound. Oh, sure, there may be an individual’s predilection to read obscure philosophy (or for that matter, non-obscure philosophy), but you don’t have to be a forensician to have intellectual predilections that are not mainstream. Even though I look forward to the next season, I’m perfectly happy to enjoy doing something else for a while. Sure, I’ve got Nostrum on track, and I think about debate stuff off and on, but mostly I’ve been otherwise engaged.

Do I practice what I preach, blogwise? After all, there’s been no hiatus here. But I’ve meandered on the Western narrative, reported true news about the Pups and the Gem of Harlem, noodled about Disney, needled WTF, etc. Much less specific than during the season. My goal is not to be central to anything, although I like being read. WTF’s goal is to be central, regardless of whether they admit it. It is their aspiration, and a worthy one. So let there be no confusion. I’m on their side. I just wish they’d keep their eye on the ball.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My eye is on the ball sir. I am addicted to debate life and have no other. Sorry! cute jogging shorts