Okay, no one is going to be coming to me to buy Coachean-designed images anytime soon, but I am of frail and flighty constitution, and limited resources, so my process is to grab the first free graphic I can dig up on the internet, plop it into PhotoShop, give up on PhotoShop, plop it into Quark (!), add on a text box, dig through my random fonts until one looks faintly presentable, print the screen (are you believing this?), clip down to the art and save the clip as a jpeg, open the jpeg in PhotoShop, futz, save, post.
In other words, I am a computin’ demon, if the name of your game is workarounds. Of course, I’m really not a PhotoShop user, so there you are. On the other hand, I can make Excel stand on its head and spit nickels, so what can I say? We all have our different talents.
Anyhow, I’m still working this whole thing through, but I’m beginning to get a sense of it. Along these lines, last night I began recording part 4 of Caveman (on modernism), and I’d really like to finish that first before taking on a new project. But by the same token, I have this riff on values that I really want to get out. Busy, busy, busy. It is getting progressively more annoying to have my hard drive in one room, my internet in another room, and my printer in yet another room. It’s not the stoners that are slowing down progress (that’s Juan), it’s the other guy (Kwan). Not that he isn’t working away, but it’s a slow process; the chez now looks like the northernmost region affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Am I the only person in the world who noticed that Cheney said, A vote against Lieberman is a vote for Al Qaeda? My problem with the Democrats is that they don’t have any Cheneys. It’s like Billy and Goliath: Billy is the guy who tried to kill Goliath before David came along. Goliath stepped on Billy’s head and crushed it down to the size of a Swedish meatball. The Democrats are the party of Billys. Where’s their Goliaths?
Speaking of which, how come no one ever names their kid Goliath anymore? Talk about names that are totally available…
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