Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Smutty innuendo

Actually, this post is certified totally free of smutty innuendo, but I do like the sound of those two words.


One of our Speecho-Americans asked me some questions for an article she’s writing for the school paper. Why do I do this? Same reason as every other coach, I answered. We’re only in it for the money.

Last weekend we had our annual workshop at Bronx Scientology. I can safely say that this one was twice as large as last year’s, which is quite heartening. The whole workshop thing came when I heard that some other folks were offering this sort of free instruction, and I figured that there was no reason why we couldn’t do it too. We have tried to come up with stuff for people across the board, but realistically it makes sense to limit it to novices, which we’ll do henceforth, as that is the real draw. We cover LD, PF and Policy, with brainstorming topics, understanding underlying philosophies, strategy and tactics—the whole magoo. We also have a forum for coaches to meet and talk, training for parents, demo rounds and the annual Board meeting for the NYSDCA. And lunch. I will admit to total exhaustion by the end of the day. There was no rest for the weary or the wicked. Personally I did parents twice, plus 5 big ideas for LD and brainstorming Modest Novice. The latter was a little hindered by some adult who wanted to argue with me, which was really not what I was there for. The students were so up on their CD that we went right past Rosa Parks into legal positivism and Kantian analysis of duty as morality. Whoa, says I. This is going to be one mean batch of LDers! Meanwhile JV, Kaz, the Brother Formerly Known as Kevin, Chetan H and B Adams from Poly (last year’s MHL Program of the Year) were all doing their bits as well at the front of the rooms. Pretty good cast of characters, if you ask me. The Sailors had 5 kids and 1 parent in attendance, which I thought was pretty good. We’re really getting into gear, one way or the other.

So what happened at the NYSDCA meeting in the middle of it all? Aside from the eating of the pizza? Well, for a while we just stared at each other happy that there was nothing to discuss, but then, following last year’s problems, I suggested that we make judging obligations last through the entire tournament. Given that this is standard practice at many finals-type events, and we didn’t want to repeat last year’s scramble, it was adapted with little discussion.

Last night was our parents’ meeting, which had been postponed from Monday because of light drizzle with a chance of tornadoes. Whatever. A good turnout, although no new Speecho-Americans have been sighted this year. I got to explain to all the new folks why their children would be traveling hither and yon and learning to love sleeping on floors with strangers, and more importantly, got everybody lined up for Bump, as in Food Maven (a repeater!) and Housing Maven (new but ready).

Sailor Guerillas: Roll in!

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