Thursday, October 31, 2013


I installed Mavericks on my MacBook Pro, and I’m wondering about it. I am at the edge of compatibility, after all, and everything just seems slow all of a sudden. I’m seriously considering getting a Mac Mini for home and just using the rather aging laptop for travel, so it probably won’t matter in the long run, but still… It does run Windows under Fusion as before, although I haven’t upgraded Fusion in some time; I hate to tempt fate (and spend money). To be honest, in my reading on the new OS nothing jumped out at me as all that interesting, aside from the presumed improved efficiency which, as I say, I haven’t quite seen. Maybe it just needs a little rest. I haven’t turned it off, except to restart, since Regis. We all need a little down time now and then.

I realize that today is Halloween, but I never do much about it. We don’t get any trick-or-treaters because the chez is on a fairly busy street without any sidewalks, and I haven’t worn a costume since, well, as long as I can remember. I might have scuzzied myself up a bit to look piratical when I used to take my daughter out when she was little, but I don’t count that. There’s nothing like Manhattan’s Halloween parade in Hudville, needless to say. So I have to be satisfied with the vicarious thrill (right word?) of watching O’C get all duded (definitely not the right word) up. He’s been threatening Cruzerace for years now, but in fact going as not much more than a scuzzied up pirate. He did Roy Orbison once, but you if all you have to do is put on heavy framed glasses, well, that’s not exactly Vegas Elvis. Cruzerace, on the other hand, does do the job, although I’m a little disappointed that he opted out of the hot pants. (And I defy you not to compose a little rift on the idea of O’C opting out of his hot pants. I defy you!) I did buy some little Snickers bars, just in case the odd All Hallows refugee appears at the chez door. If the odd All Hallows refugee turns out to be Cruzerace, he can have a couple of little Snickers bars. He’s earned it.

I’ve finally gotten the rooms for Bump. We’ll go to 100 in novice in the grammar school, and 140 split between PF and LD in the high school, probably at about two to one. We’re finally in the drifting-off stage, where I get to clear the waitlist every now and then. There’s still schools shut out, but I’m sanguine about there being room for them in the long run. I might even be able to eke out a few extra entries for the more robust teams in the region. We’ll see. Last year, thanks to Sandy, we had space aplenty. Pent-up desires have worked their magic this year. So it goeth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am honored. Roy Orbison aside, it's the first costume I was truly proud of since Olivia Newton-John my senior year at Vassar. (Oh yes.)

Too much of a good thing is wonderful!