Tuesday, September 16, 2008

No juice, a roll, punch and a pup

Apparently if you let your Touch actively search for a specific WiFi network, it is the same as actively roaming on your cell phone: your battery disappears before your eyes. All right, fine. I’ll turn on WiFi when I want it and turn it off when I don’t. I can take a hint.

I’ve gotten motel rooms for the Kaiser Roll and finalized my registration (mostly). They’ve got a lot of people signed up, which is great to see. Autumn in Monticello: that ought to be a song title. There was some talk of 4 rounds on Friday, but it turns out that they have school all day, and who wants to have a debate in the middle of a biology class? They do want 6 rounds overall though, apparently, to cover the large number of entrants. My suggestion was to do what Bump does, and just start early on Saturday. Given the nature of the motels in the area, most of the coaches and judges are happy to get out of them as soon as possible in the morning, or at least during the dawn lull in pistol fire. It’s a jungle up there. Autumn in Monticello, but make that a gangsta song.

Speaking of songs, the song “Via con me” is driving me insane. Paolo Conte. I just can’t get it out of my head. The thing is, I can swear I knew this song before this weekend. What movie is it from (other than “Bella Martha”)? Crappy prize to any VCA member who can help me out here. At the very least, please recommend some other song to replace it in my nonstop mental soundtrack. (Punch, brothers, punch with care… Don’t forget, I do have a bust of Sam Clemens in my chez office.)

Rob Frederickson Fred Robertson has edited my vigilante piece quite nicely, and only nudged me on a couple of issues (so far). Another job to erase from the Remember the Milk list (which now bleeds onto my Touch—God, I love technology). I wonder if he got anyone to write briefs on the real stinkers? As I said originally, I liked the list overall, one of the best in a while. But every poodle has the odd flea, or something like that. I just hope we debate the poodles, and not the fleas. [Which is why I usually insist that you fill in the metaphors yourself on these pages, but it’s early in the year and I figured what the hey, why not? Well, that’s what you get for listening to me. Debate poodles. Hmmm. Debate poodles. Maybe we could give them out as awards at Big Jake. They’re always looking for a new way to make the award ceremony last until midnight, and debate poodles just might do the trick.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to imdb, "Via Con Me" was also in French Kiss and Welcome to Collinwood.