Friday, September 05, 2008

Battening down the hatches

Tomorrow is the NYCFL moderators’ meeting down at Iona, Catholic Charlie’s home school. I will be attending despite the hell and high water of hurricane Hanna. Tomorrow is also the first day of the Vassar RR. I had intended to pop up there for a visit, but will not do so in the face of said hell and high water. If O’C were Catholic, maybe things would be different, but since as far as I know he is a practicing agnostic, unless Hanna peters out, I’ll be laying as low as conceivably possible. The prayers of the NYCFL will guide me to my destination in the morning; the prayers of [you know, I can’t recall for the life of me the name of the Vassar football team, so fill in your own Poughkeepsie nickname here] probably just won’t be enough to get me through the storms of the afternoon.

I noticed yesterday that WTF was threatening its annual minute-by-minute coverage again of every round in every debate in the continental U.S., including Alaska to keep the Republicans happy. I always love the descriptions. “3928 debaters were entered, but at the end, only two were left standing.” This strikes me as rather predictable. When a tournament has three people left standing at the end, then the man will have bitten the dog and there will be something to write home about. Although, come to think about it, at the end end there is really only one person left standing, but who am I to tell these folks how to run their business? Wait a minute. I do that all the time. Why should this time be any different?

You may have noticed in the Feed (which, if you ignore, you do at your own intellectual peril) that the PF Debate folks are distributing their Sept brief gratis. I took a brief (no pun intended) look, and they came to the same conclusion I did, that this is just not one of those burning issues. At least the Nukes of October are relevant, since apparently McCain and Obama are also going to be arguing about them (or at the very least misrepresenting each other’s position, which is the political norm in America these days, thank God, otherwise we’d have to vote on the actual merits of the candidates). I have to admit I can’t wait for this bloody election to just happen. McCain’s been running for about a decade now, and I’m tired of him, and Obama’s only been at it a year or so but it feels like a decade, and I’m tired of him too. The only one I’m not tired of is Michael Palin, who was always one of my favorite Pythons and who, I think, would make both a fine Veep and a fine lumberjack. McCain simply couldn’t have made a better choice for the ticket.

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