Friday, May 11, 2012

In which we step back and wonder


I’m up in the air about handling the other blog. Our story so far: I wanted to do a blog for the DJ, and eventually did, reaching the point of averaging 4 posts a day. Then they cut it, and I went cold turkey, but I was so obsessed by it that I brought it back under my own (well, Grinwout’s) auspices. Now the DJ is relaunching blogs as I had originally suggested, with all editors contributing, but something tells me that they won’t all be doing 4 a day. They asked me for 1 a week. Whatever.

I see those DJ posts as being more chatty and less aggregation-ish, but they’re very beta at the moment so nobody really knows. I know I went chatty on my first tries. But then again, I’m a chatty guy (on paper; in person, you’re unlikely to get a word out of me).

This leaves me with this blog and the Grinwout’s blog. I tweet Grinwout’s automatically, and otherwise hardly ever look at Twitter, even though I regularly tell myself I have to. I’ve got too many Twitter accounts, I think. That could be the problem.

I also have Grinwout’s as a separate Facebook page. I did this because, well, everything nowadays has a separate Facebook page, but the fact that blog posts don’t automatically replicate to FB anymore means that all the G’s fb content has to be manually entered.

In other words, I’ve got a lot of accounts that require way more maintenance than I really want to do. What I want to do is write about debate, life in general and the arts. I can do the former here, the latter on Grinwout’s, and the middler on both, depending. I’ll probably change things around a bit over the next few days. I’ve got to organize my brain around keeping some content for the DJ separate from Grinwout’s, for one thing (although I may try it out on Grinwout’s first, with a different approach). I don’t really want to merge everything into one blog; I tried that with the Coachean Feed and found that it just diluted the pool. I may rethink what I’m doing on Facebook, though. I may put the G’s page aside for a while and promote Grinwout’s directly on my own page. It’s not like I post much else there, and everybody in the universe does seem to use fb every two minutes.

Interesting times.

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