Thursday, January 07, 2010

CPs galore, panivorous esteem-building, Debatie Bingo and today's trivia question

We’re moving at the DJ, lock, stock and barrel. The estimate at the moment is that the move will be some time around June. That means that there will be a lot of people throwing things away over the next few months as they guerilla themselves up for the revolution. As a result, the crappy prize vault at the chez should soon be bursting at the seams. A couple of days ago I picked up a collection of ceramic tiles. When I gave one of them out at the recent Sailors’ meeting, a newbie whined that, well, it was a ceramic tile. Obviously the plebes haven’t gotten the message yet that crappy prizes don’t include iPods, Nikons, Wiis or all-expense paid trips to Disney World. An official reminder about this will be issued soon from the Department of the Obvious, which has been out of commission ever since the world discovered Sarah Palin. (I don’t get the link, but I’m sure it’s there somewhere.)

Speaking of Sailors, this week’s meeting was devoted, one way or the other, to team-building, under the guise of drills. Not that they weren’t drills, with all the inherent value therein. I had people running faux rounds and the like, but with our leaky ship these days of non-debating novices, we haven’t had the opportunity to bond at any debate tournaments, which would be the normal way of doing things. So other measures take on added weight. Then again, as the Panivore reassuringly pointed out, when she got started, she didn’t debate much in the beginning either, which in PanivoreSpeak translates, as we quickly learned, into, she didn’t go to one tournament but she did go to all the others. Twice. This was, as I said, meant to reassure people. I know my mind was set at ease on hearing it.

Last night we recorded the latest TVFT, wrapping up our reminiscence of the decade past. Mostly Bietz and O’C talked about Great Debaters in History, which allowed me some serious nap time, but I guess some people like this sort of thing, so have at it. You might want to use it to play Debatie Bingo: you get a point every time they mention a name of someone you actually have heard of. Two points if you know the person. Three points if you ever debated them. That should make the time pass more quickly for you.

This weekend O’C and I will be together again in a tabroom for the first time since Ridge (I was dumped from the Regis CFL due to snow, leaving the honor to himself, as you may recall.) We have our work cut out for us. The Lex RR is coming up, and we need a good batch of Bean Trivia questions. One of my new categories is Fill in the Beatle Blank. Among the Sailors, including the lifeline, only dedicated fan Termite could finish this one: “You’ll have to have them all pulled out after ___.” Either you know it or you don’t. Anyhow, more to come. Which makes me wonder when O’C will post the attendees of said RR. He might be waiting till after the event. Much easier to get it right that way.

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