Wednesday, July 02, 2008

A guaranteed, no-content posting!

I am selling O’C’s autograph online. To the highest bidder. Just send me money; if you win, I’ll send you back his autograph. How can you resist?

I am going through a bit of a phase of doing stuff other than debate, said phase kicking into overdrive over the holiday weekend. The Day Job has released us for four days, so I won’t be back here again till Monday. What computer time I will be spending, if any, will be spent on the aforementioned phase. I am petitioning for more hours in the day, but so far I haven’t gotten enough signatures. When you send me that autograph money (see above), enclose a signature or two. That’ll help.

Anyhow, there isn’t much going on. Either you’re at camp or you’re not, and if you are, you’ve already got plenty of things to keep you occupied, and if you’re not, you’re probably not thinking much about forensics. So, have a good holiday, and maybe next week we can get into something really meaty. Maybe we can auction off O’C’s Ewok-patterned Hawaiian shirt.

May the Fourth be with you.

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