WTF, Cali. — The Association for Keeping High School Students Out of Prison During the Long Hot Summer (AKHSSOPDLHS, or as it's friends call it, Norm) again featured a demonstration round featuring the word feature twice in the same sentence. Actually three times, but who's counting? Debaters were from two of today’s top food groups. Hamletta Smorgasbord of Holoview School in Texas — the affirmative — placed at the PBJ Round Robin and was a somnabulist at Emory. Chicken ("Chick") McNuggets of Edema High School in Minnesota — the other affirmative — was tallest speaker at the Iowa Caucus and a finalist at the Irish Lottery if only he would respond to this email within 24 hours. The moderator? Craven Savage of South Eugenics High School. (Note: the photograph was taken prior to the round, as Jon Cruz, wearing his traditional but not very convincing Leonard Nimoy drag, attempts to remember what episode this came from.)
[Okay, I couldn't resist just one more...]
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