Monday, January 07, 2008

Coachean blog supplemental: Exactly one person will know what I'm talking about here, but that's a start

As a rule, we seldom feel the need to attack other websites—except for WTF, and maybe a couple of others—but the guy at Pffft Central posts ‘em faster than we can write ‘em. He’s brought this on himself. It used to be I thought that the Rev B. A. (“Badass”) Gregg was behind PF ‘R’ Us dot com, but then I found out it was some other cleric, no doubt a refugee from WTF who was getting shafted and not receiving his parity $5K per posting, so he figured he’d open his own site. I really mean this: I have no idea who runs the site. As anyone can tell looking at this site (and, all right, scrolling down a bit), there is no secret about who’s saying what here, except on those occasional posts where we use a cinnamon (which is like a pseudonym, only tastier). On that site, since I’ve either never looked or else did look once and then forgot and am now too lazy to look again, it’s anyone’s guess who’s in charge.

Of course, I shouldn’t complain. At least he is a member of the VCA. But I will not reciprocate and become a member of the Pffft Alliance! Debate humor indeed! I do not engage in humor of any sort, debate or otherwise. I have serious issues to contend with. Anyone who has ever dealt with me in person knows that I do not have a sense of humor, especially if it involves Adam Sandler. As a matter of fact, for all I know, Are We Not Pffft is run by Mr. Sandler himself! That would explain a lot.

And I put this out as an aside. And it’s true. One of the former principals of Hen Hud (which we reckon by the dozens) competed against a very young Adam Sandler in a comedian contest when both were in knee pants. They may even have gone to the same high school together. And the thing is, our former principal lost out in that contest to Mr. Sandler. Which meant that forever he would have to be known as the guy who wasn’t even as funny as Adam Sandler. Talk about the mark of Cain! But I digress.

I hereby swear off Can You Pffft Me Now dot com for the duration, and remove all links to it from this site (which is an impossible task, given that no links exist). From now on, the topic of Pfffft is absolutely verboten on this page. Any mention of Pffffffft in any posting means that I have been abducted by aliens and that the pod people have taken over. DON’T TRUST THEM!!! They are out to steal your precious bodily fluids. With LD, your precious bodily fluids are yours to do what you want with them. Let that stand as our slogan henceforth! Purity of Essence! (NOTE: Group Captain Mandrake is henceforth in charge of customer relations. If you have a problem, deal with him.)

As a matter of fact, if this posting is any indication, the pod people have already taken over. God knows Menick would never write anything like this. No doubt he’s off reading the latest edition of Stump the Chump. Dear Chump: How many debaters does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: [come on, now; do I have to do all the heavy lifting around here?]

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