Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Waiter, bring me shad roe

What a group. Yeah, the "i" in idea is the kicker. I wasn’t even thinking of that. Alec Wilder could learn a few things from the VCA. It’s nice to know that American popular song lives on.

(And “Scrambled Eggs,” of course, was the working title of “Yesterday” before the words were written. Everyone my age either knows this, or, well, they don’t get to sit with the cool people. Try it out on parents of your own if you’re willing to subject them to the acid test of hip. There’s nothing worse that finding out your parents actually are, or aren’t, hip. Either scenario just isn’t…right. Parents should be ahip, which is like amoral applied to coolness. It’s the best solution all-around, definitely.)

Last night we assembled an upperclass chez, and kicked around a few topic ideas concentrating purely on conceptualizations of corporations. I wanted to get away from the initial pure morality issues that I had brought to the original brainstorming session (although I did shoot out my notes from that session to the Sailors on the listserver, itemizing the various pure morals arguments that were theoretically possible). The more you discuss this topic, the more you realize that it will be hard to argue anything meaningful regarding corporate ethics, although we are zeroing in on some basic concepts. No doubt everyone else is zeroing in on the exact same concepts (or so far off base that they’ll never be heard from again). Tonight there’s a session just for the plebes; obviously I’ll steal all the good ideas from last night and act as if they were always my own, and plant them in the virgin brains of the newbies, but mostly I’ll be browbeating them to research and work over the holiday. No sitting around playing Gears of War. No watching all the Star Wars movies from beginning to end. No going to grandma’s house. No sleeping.

My plans for the break? Well, there’s that pomo View from Tab that I’m still cogitating over, there’s the morality and justice units for the Hillary Duff, and I did start playing RCT3 finally while I was hanging around the hospital (there’s a bright side to everything) and it’s every bit as mind-sucking as the earlier PC versions I played back in the dark ages. On the other hand, the Wikipedia timeline of Back to the Future that’s circulating over the blogosphere has set me to thinking I’m due for that particular trilogy again. And I need to catch up on my sleep. Which means I’ll be doing what the Sailors better not be doing.

It is nice being the grownup. And not a particularly hip one. Except for Scrambled Eggs. And, oh yeah, the dirty words to “You’re the Top” written by CP himself. Some day, when you’re grown up yourself, I might share them with you…

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