Monday, July 23, 2012

Tech: There. Fixed it.

None are so blind as those who can't find what they are looking for.

Thanks to Professor Ryan Miller, I now have RSS code that will either give you a feed of everything in the blog, or just give you a feed of debate stuff (which will include some non-debate stuff, similar to what I used to do here before I was struck on the head by the Grinwout's bug). Once I got started on this, I went on and also added Arts only, Amusement Parks only, and Tech only. It's all over near in the right-hand column. If you are an RSSer, and why wouldn't you be, you now have your choice. I would trust that you might take it all, but you may wish to separate the various stuff by theme. I know I was certainly trying to separate it myself, so I understand the impulse. As you've probably figured, I'm narrowing down the posts to a handful of subjects. I'm hoping these broad categories are enough. Occasionally there will be something that doesn't fit; that will be collected in the general RSS, so it won't get lost.

Meanwhile, the whole tags thing is starting to bother me no end. I would like to limit the number of tags, but once something already has a tag, it seems pretty much impossible to untag it, at least as a batch process. Oh, well. We will continue to look forward! And I'll eliminate the tags box, as pretty useless anyhow. If you want to search for something, search for it.

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