Thursday, May 21, 2009

Interim posting on the meaning of it all

Ryan AKA Lucy (?) asks about acronyms in a comment.

NYSFL is the New York State Forensic League. As far as I know, their only brief is to run an annual finals tournament.

MHL is the Mid-Hudson League, obviously regional, devoted to younger debaters. I'm one of its directors. VCA is the Vast Coachean Army, which is self-explanatory. For new recruits to the latter, there is a glossary in the right-hand column that is, I think, pretty inclusive.

Ryan asks: "Does the NYSFL tournament have any sort of official pairing procedures? Do they have any official channels to amend these procedures?" There is a tournament handbook but it has little or nothing to do with how the tournament should be run/paired. There is, however, quite a long discussion in it of the nature of cross-examination. As for official channels, one theoretically presents one's complaints to a regional director (we have a good man in that position), but in the past such discussions have not proven constructive. I have discussed, formally and informally, all manner of issues over the years with all manner of persons at all sorts of levels, and the result is that the tournament is exactly the same as it was when I first joined up.

1 comment:

Ryan Ricard said...

Since you've been so kind as to clear up my confusion, I might as well clear up yours.

My full name is Ryan Ricard, which sounds like Ricardo, which turned into "Lucy" on the debate team freshman year of HS, and has stuck pretty hard ever since.

Really you can blame Peter Nikolai, since he was in the habit of giving kids nicknames instead of learning their real ones.