Monday, September 10, 2018

In which we plan to come back

The reason I haven’t been writing here for quite a while is that I’ve been too busy with my Day Job. Over the last couple of years they dramatically increased my responsibilities, at least quantitatively, meaning that my energies were directed elsewhere. Given that the DJ provides the cabbage (the other definition, not the vegetable), that’s the way it should be. But now, although I’m still DJing it up, things have eased off a bit. Once again I have some extra keystrokes available. And as I like to write, and I hate leaving the Vast Coachean Army stranded, I’m going to get back to it as regularly as I can.

Before getting to it, I should point out that on the personal front that I am now a grandparent. This is an amazing thing, as anyone in that position can tell you. For the last couple of months, from about her age 14-16 months, she and her mother were living with us as they sorted out their requirements for moving permanently to the UK. We watched her learn to run, start to utter clear words, make up games, knowingly do things that would make us laugh, stack blocks as well as knock them down, and everything else that goes with toddlerdom. I will miss all that sorely, although there is some small benefit of getting our house back again. Toddlers are demanding, and leave a lot in their wake. Still, I can’t wait to be with her again. We’ve already got our reservations to visit the end of December.

And one last thing. I will be retiring from the DJ the beginning of next year. For all practical purposes, I have been working since I was 13. I started in publishing a couple of weeks after I graduated college. I started at my present company in 1981. I look forward to finally having time to myself, and have plenty of ideas for how to use that time. I will, of course, remain committed to debate at my present level.

So what it going on in Debateville, since that’s why you’re reading this? Well, quite a bit, actually. I want to talk about all of it.

Starting tomorrow.

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