Monday, March 13, 2017

In which we pray

I’m looking at the numbers for Saturday’s CFL qualifier. (We always call it CFL Grands, but I’m not sure other dioceses do likewise.) 16 and 14 in LD and PF respectively. Normally, this would play as a glorified round robin, but Grands is anything but normal. The people who attend put a high premium on these results: they really want to go to CatNats. So we have to scrupulously insure that the fairest process is in place, to reward the most deserving performances at the tournament. It’s one of the ones where we go over everything umpteen times, to insure both accuracy and bias-free placements. We’ve gotten pretty good at it over the years, but not without a bump or two. This year we won’t have Kaz to kick around, as she’ll be doing something Massachusettsian this Saturday. I don’t think we’ll miss her though; we had her to kick around this last weekend, going down to the Met and having dinner with JV, and then breakfast with the Paginator on Sunday. We did have to carefully explain to the P how clocks work for Daylight Savings Time. Apparently he was so distracted by having to tab policy at his state tournament that he couldn’t tie his shoelaces, tell time, or drink anything that wasn’t in a sippy cup. That whole sippy cup thing got him into some sort of fracas at a Starbucks somewhere, because: 1) they don’t served their drinks in sippy cups, and 2) they don’t serve Manhattans. He might have gone into some detail explaining this, but I couldn’t hear him with my jaw dropped that far.

I might have committed to tabbing the NY State tournament when we were with Joe. I'm not sure. I do remember him bringing it up and I don't remember saying no. 

I did start playing with a new Fb page. There is only so much one can do design-wise. It ultimately boils down to what you put on it, and I’ve started to figure that out. My guess is that I won’t push it until mid-summer, when people start thinking about tournaments again, but maybe I’ll launch sooner. We’ll see. At the moment, it’s just cogitation.


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