Thursday, March 03, 2016

In which we head uptown

We’re circling over the Gem, wishing it were bigger. We had plenty of rooms, sort of, for the blizzard version, but not so many for the reboot. It’s always hard to get Gem rooms in the first place; trying to get them in the second place is well night impossible. So we’re being creative. And praying that a lot of the creeping crud affects the various fields tonight.

We’re still looking pretty good sizewise for a reboot on an odd weekend. A bunch of people bit the dust yesterday when they were told that, no, you can’t come without any adults. This isn’t free time in the kindergarten playground. At least they didn’t come and pretend they were chaperoned. I am very much one to demand to see your adult, at which point the little darling disappears and comes back a moment later with a recent immigrant with a checkbook, which satisfies the requirement. Just don’t put them in the judge pool.

I’ll also be patrolling for partial judges. People start saying that so-and-so will miss round 1 or round 432 or whatever, which is fine by me, that will be $50. If you can’t bring judges who are actually at the tournament for their rounds, they’re really not judges. Everyone on your judge list is there to judge. End of story. And please hate me for insisting on this, because I’m happy to put up with your opprobrium but I couldn’t stand it if you tried to be friendly to me. Ain’t happening. Don’t try. We’ll both be happier.

Kaz and I will choo-choo in to arrive at around 2:30. Plenty of time to get organized and pray for more rooms to fall out of the sky for us. Once again we’ll do judge calls, since K seems to really get off on them, and I’m happy to play straight man every now and then. (FYI, in the Vaudeville days, the straight man always got paid more than the comic. Curious.) As the last big event of the season, it will be a nice (I hope) happy ending. Followed next week by the CFL Grands. Then WDWNDCA. Then… Beats me. I’m sure I’ll find something.



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