Monday, March 12, 2012

It's not over till it's not over

In all my moping about over the end of the season, I forgot about NDCA, the weekend after Easter. That will be my swan song for the year.

This coming weekend is the CFL qualifier. This is potentially a nightmare. First, there’s the wrinkle that, if there’s over 20 entries in a division, we have to use 3 judges. A few years ago we changed the rules so that 20 or fewer we could use 2 judges. The result was a major headache turned into child’s play. Assigning 2 judges per round, when the judge/team ratio is 1-1, simply requires paying attention. Assigning 3 requires mind-numbing attention to detail, lots of room-switching, watching a team you've seen but on the other side, you name it, because the field is so small (but not small enough to lose a judge). We’ll know tomorrow, when registration closes. There will either be a happy tabroom or a glum tabroom. Time will tell.

I’ve gotten back into the swing of the link blog, which I trust you are visiting religiously (defined as faithfully, not as on your knees, you filthy heathen). I realize that, for instance, Facebookers can see all the links they want if they never leave home, but that’s merely one source, and, depending on the number of people you have befriended, a fairly hit-and-miss one at that. I go for long stretches barely visiting the site, although lately I’ve been religiously (i.e, faithfully) updating my status to point over to the link blog. I need to get some traction there. The last time I did this, prior to going official for the DJ, the number of hits was quite remarkable. I like to think that the enterprise is entertaining on its own. But I guess you’ll be the judge of that (you filthy heathen). The point is, please go try it out. There's some fine stuff there.

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