Monday, February 13, 2012

Coachean Debate Dictionary, Installment 6

Eponymous debate round: 1. At Big Bronx, a round named after someone who, if they are judging the round, is struck by all the debaters.

Menick time: 1. Five minutes ago as the starting time for the next round. And that's when I'm feeling generous.

Judge paradigm: 1. Specific exegesis, often online, of precisely what nonsense up with which a judge will put.

Speed: 1. That thing that, when you asked about it, you were told not really, but you ignored it and when as fast as humanly possible anyhow, so why did you bother to ask in the first place?

They: 1. The people actually running a tournament, as compared to the tournament director and the tab staff, who are simply the front men. Often quoted throughout the tournament: "They say they're breaking only one 4-2..." "I hear that They are going to break all winning records, including the 3-3s..." "They are going to have 8 rounds...." "They ate all the bagels..."


Anonymous said...

This is the most important installment. While the mention of the Matt Dunay Semifinal Debates is quite appreciated, the idea that you failed to mention Menick Time until now is shocking.

Anonymous said...

But they did eat the bagels! I saw them!