You might have seen the comments to yesterday's post. I’ve thought about the fact that it takes longer to MJP than not, as CP points out, but at a smaller tournament, with an appropriate percentage, why not? We certainly did it at Ridge a couple of years ago with little disruption and absolutely no experience. As we get better at it, it won’t ever be absolutely instantaneous, but I think that most folks would accept a little longer break between rounds in return for mutual judging. And yes, of course you could put all the strikes in simply as 6s in MJP, but that just dangles the old carrot. Give ‘em the whole thing, I say. We’ve been moving toward it philosophically, so why not just go all the way? We’ll get so good at it quickly enough that we’ll never remember when we didn’t do it.
And, let’s face it, the Panivore has given it her approval. Do
you want to argue with her about it?
Bietz also mention
this. I read it, but found it unenlightening unless you have all the time in the world and you don't mind allowing for half hour judge critiques. It's nice to know that someone's thinking about standardizing the running of tournaments, though. I guess they're talking about colleges and not high schools. Pre-pairing and releasing the night before teams show up? In the high school universe? Can I send you the names of a few coaches who can't tell you the names of their teams halfway through the tournament, much less the day before?

Anyhow, speaking of the Panivore, I've run out of things to say (actually, I did this around 1999), so at last night's meeting the P took over, explaining weighing to our vast horde of one, plus the People's Champion.

The results—the photo of the rapt audience on the right—speak for themselves. I found it interesting, but I ended up taking pictures because, well, I can do the math.
Seeing the size of our team, you might want to compare it to the one below, taken at a recent Big Bronx LD meeting.

Sometimes you've just got to envy the size of other programs...
I admit. I giggled at the picture. Maybe we're that big. We certainly try to be that festive.
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