Thursday, February 17, 2011

He said, he said

I broke a lawyer’s heart at the DJ today by telling him that Linda Ronstadt is about 40 years older now than she was 40 years ago. If you have any lawyers’ hearts you want broken, send them to me and I handle it for you.

Speaking of the DJ, yesterday I encountered an actual human being who referred to herself in the third person. This is extremely odd, but when you add into it that the person is Canadian, maybe less so. One positive thing about eliminating the first person from your speech, of course, is that verb conjugation becomes so much easier. Also finding the weirdest person in any particular group of speakers, but I don’t think either of these is her motivation. But, what can I say? Or as she might put it, what can he say? Eh?

In my latest crash of insomniac nights I’ve been playing with a writing project idea that I’ll probably unfold shortly. You might not like it, but he does I do, and it might be a worthy experiment. For that matter, I have a finished writing project that I was unable to publish that I’ll probably self-publish in a little while. Sometimes I wonder where I get the spare time from, but then again, I’ve never watched even a single episode of American Idol, so think of all the hours I’ve accumulated for useful output.

This weekend is UPenn, which is small on the LD side and humongous on the Pffft side. We’re bringing a raft of Speecho-American Sailors and one novice LDer. For the life of me I can’t understand why people would prefer Harvard, unless mesmerized by the bid chase or in relatively decent position to break in whatever activity. As the VCA knows, my team officially swore off Cambridge the year that it broke the budget bank, and while various of my mavericks have seen fit to expose themselves to it (as far as I can recall with little reward), it has just not been what I would call forensics-efficient. If you have a small, building team, doesn’t it make sense to put them into appropriate competition? I guess you can argue that they’ll see all these good people, and that might be true, but at Boston hotel prices? Na’ah. Doesn’t work for me. I do appreciate that they have been doing something about the randomness of the LD event, however, bringing in members of the Traveling Tabroom to coordinate with them. If it’s going to be a zoo, at least have all the pachyderms in one enclosure and all the marsupials in another. I guess that the more time passes, the more I agree with Bietz that all colleges should have small bid levels (if any). Probably five percent of the people there are really chasing a bid; the rest are visiting Harvard, an understandable desire. Oh, well. We’ve talked about this before. There’s no point in beating it to death.

So I leave tomorrow after school. I should be there in time to help CP at registration. Enjoy your weekend, wherever you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linda Ronstadt once dated George Lucas.