Sunday, February 28, 2010

Uncharacteristic weekend post

This weekend was the worst. I won't bore you with tales of true debate coach adventure, how I survived the cold and the lack of electricity and the lack of internet because it's too boring, but it was also boring going through it. And cold.

And to think: I coulda been at Lakeland.

Anyhow, much returns to normal, and Lakeland will live on, on the weekend previously owned by the MHL Grand Championships. We will combine the two. Since Lakeland is already free, and we were only going to charge a small trophy fee for the MHLGC, it seems to work. There are one or two details to iron out, but iron we will. So, save the weekend of 4/10 not for a one-day but for a two-day event. With me and Cruz at the tabbing helm.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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