Friday, February 05, 2010

February? For you, maybe, but not for us.

If I’m going to have to handle Nostrum episodes again, I’m going to have to figure out how. Didn’t they used to come out on Wednesday, back in the olden days? Wasn’t there a slogan, “If this is Wednesday, it must be Nostrum”? That’s probably what I’ll do now, put them out on Wednesdays, that is. And TVFTs come out on Thursdays. I guess I’ll get my money’s worth out of the microphone, if nothing else.

What’s the business model for all of this, anyhow?

This is Scarsdale weekend. This week has been an amazing learning experience for me, as plebe after plebe has claimed total ignorance of such questions as whether there’s a bus and when there’s a bus, et alia. You would think by February these are the sort of questions that they would have figured out how to get the answers to. As far as I know, my own team is the only one in America that doesn’t regularly consult my online schedule. [Sigh.] There is no question in my mind that there’s been a time slip this season. I don’t know why or how, but it feels like October, novice-wise.

Anyhow, Scarsdale is when we have the varsity judging the novices, alternative single flights in the same rooms, which requires a level of organization beyond the norm, but we get it done. The key thing is to make sure that kids don’t judge every single round, if at all possible. We don’t want to undermine their own competing. They do get tuckered out, though, and that’s a fact. There’s allegedly a little snow coming in tonight, but not so much as to throw a monkey wrench into the machinery. I certainly hope not. The Sailors are sleeping in their own beds; I’d hate for them to be blizzarded in tomorrow morning.

We’ve also begun shaking down the Unharvard tournament. More on that as it gets settled.

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