Monday, February 22, 2010

Civic obligation

I spent a lot of time yesterday organizing the upcoming tournaments vis-à-vis the Sailors. One monkey wrench in the machinery was that I have been called for jury duty in mid March. Oh joy, oh rapture. I have to wonder how desirable someone deeply involved in the justification of jury nullification will appear during voir dire, but then again, if the defense’s case really sucks, I may be looked on as their savior. Whatever. Unfortunately this coincides with some serious DJ burdens, but at least I’m not going on vacation and I don’t have any debate trips planned, so the pain is entirely my own and business-oriented. What really sucks is that they don’t allow electronic devices in the building. Jeesh! Then again, it insures that I will do DJ work on the train and during downtime. Forced labor, if you ask me, and a good thing it is, given my tendency to digress.

I digress? Moi? Yeah, right.

Anyhow, because of those DJ burdens, things may be a little thin on the ground here at CL HQ. I trust that the VCA will patiently abide my other obligations for the next few weeks. I will post, but not in much depth. But I’ll be back in strength eventually.

Onward coachean soldiers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The way I've heard it described on some radical website, if you even mention the phrase "jury nullification" the prosecution will flip and not want you. It's at least worth a shot.