Friday, December 12, 2008

Beans updated

2 beans if you answer a question correctly
Lose 2 beans if you answer a question incorrectly
It costs you 1 bean to pass a question. If the passee gets it right, you give them two beans plus the pass bean. If the passee gets it wrong, they lose one bean.

I hadn't included the penalty for wrong answers or sufficiently punished passing. This looks right. All the Sailors who dropped out of Ridge can spend the weekend studying for Tuesday night. The topics are:

What exactly is Termite ever actually talking about
Portraits of Mario Cuomo
Obscure functions of former versions of TRPC
The lighter side of Karl Marx
Professional sports that Menick knows something about (tent.)
Popular music from the second week of March, 1965
Factual errors in From Frenchman to Caveman
Matt Thomas
That girl with the team where everyone looks just like her, which is really, really scary

Non-Sailors interested in participating should sign up now!


Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to study me, I'll send pictures.

Anonymous said...

There is only one picture of Matt Thomas that really matters.