Monday, January 30, 2006

This oughta hold 'em

"This" is the second LDEP missive. As I suggest in it, I don't think that I would vote for all these things myself, but there's none I'm dead set against. We'll see if the momentum continues. At the point at which this grinds to a screeching halt, that'll be the end of it, I'm guessing.

One nice thing about WTF is that if one does have the odd debater off in the jungles chasing baboons, one can read about the hunt minute-by-minute, thanks to O'C and the Universal Intergalactic Wireless card the gents at HQ bought for him. Emcee seems to have enjoyed Atlanta a little bit. And just when I thought he was about to go over to the dark Pffft side. Then again, he had been making noises about using Putnam, which is Emcee's Swiss Army evidence. He's used it on every resolution from community standards to Re-elect Bush! It never fails him.

BTW, O'C insists that I have some sort of vast readership of this blog, which would be very saddening if it were true. People could be out planting potatoes or reading Kant, and instead, they're reading this? I don't believe it. Aside from that one you-know-who who shall remain nameless, but if I knew how to put spyware on your machine, I'd be staring at you through the chips 24/7, you spalpeen!

Tomorrow night I've set up a demo round at the school that will allow us to finally see NoShow in action, vs MT, who was running non-citizens' right to bear arms, if I'm not mistaken (and the scary part is, he wasn't even running it for the non-citizen resolution). That should be quite the entertainment, and it will get us over the hump till the new rez arrives.

The latest on the Bump date move is that it's pretty likely to get green-lighted. I should hear soon. You'll know when I know (except for you, you spalpeen; I refuse tell you, ever, no matter how many boxes of Leonidas chocolates you send to my house).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Putnam was taken from the case the day of the tournament.. (unfortunately).

You also have no idea how happy you just made O'C...