Thursday, January 12, 2017

In which we are about to pack up and go east, old man

As predicted, Kaz has turned the middle school library into a sanity-free zone for novice LDers. I mean, we’ve all done it at one point or other. I’ve tabbed in libraries surrounded by the squawks and snorts of febrile debaters at one another’s throats, and thought nothing of it, although always been happier when they’ve left and I can go back to sniffing glue. Apparently we’re also hosting the local district congress tournament at our venue on Saturday. Oh joy. Oh rapture. So they’re in and out, and the novices are here, there and everywhere. I love managing silly things like that. Makes me look competent. Marginally.

Meanwhile, the Philadelphia Phlier has gone to hell in a handbasket. I was fixing some judge request and saw that the numbers weren’t adding up for this one school. So I checked another school. Different version of the same problem. Another school. An even differenter version. Mes etoiles! I exclaimed, and immediately sent up a flare to Bugsy at tabroom. I went then to check Columbia, but that one is okay. Weird. The good news is that the problem tournament is somewhat in suspended animation anyhow as we wait for more rooms, although come to think of it, so is the Gem, but, well, there you are.

Closer to home, I did manage to guilt most folks into attending Bump. I have a couple who need to come home to roost, but I’ll give them till this weekend. Nudging them will give me something to fill the empty hours when we’re not trying to stump Bro J with 80s trivia, which, by the way, cannot be done.


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