Thursday, September 13, 2012

For Roald Dahl, on what would have been his 96th

You used to be able to watch Way Out on YouTube, but it's been pulled. It's the TV show Dahl hosted in the '60s, introducing the weird tales with his appropriately weird commentary. For a short while the show followed The Twilight Zone on Friday nights, but I think Dahl was just too wickedly British for the room, as compared to Rod Serling's gritty American pugnacity. It's too bad you can't see just a little bit of Dahl doing the show. He was perfect.

You can find various takes of his filmed work on YouTube, of course, but better you should read him if you wish to celebrate. Personally I would recommend Boy and Going Solo, both biographical works. And for your surfing pleasure, here's a couple of worthwhile pages that haven't been pulled down:

Big Sometimes Friendly Giant

Roald Dahl's 10 finest hours

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