Monday, February 27, 2012

Et voila, les superpuissances

It is only to ask, to receive. A partial list:

Public Forum Debate:

The judges gets to flip pro or con before the round. Then both teams are on the same side. Whoever is the most con or pro, wins.

Your topic is: Ron Paul would make a better president than Newt Gingrich.

Switch partners: Judge gets to decide who pairs with who.

Famous Coach Who Will Remain Nameless Power: the judge gives a live commentary throughout the round, letting the debaters know how s/he is feeling about arguments, the round, or life in general.

Judge asks all the questions in all cross-examinations. 

You can be as nasty as you want in crossfire. The nastiest team wins.

You cannot be nasty in crossfire. The nicest team wins.

Your topic is: Newt Gingrich is a good example of American family values. 

Final Refocus: You get one extra three minute speech.

Your topic is: The NFL ought to have better PF topics.

The Fifth Amendment -- the team with the power can refuse to answer any question posed by the opposition without penalty.

Judge decides who goes first and on which side, after listening to two minute argument from each team on what he/she should do.

Your topic is: Birthright citizenship should be abolished in France. [Cruz comment: this is evil.]

Mr. District Attorney -- the judge gets to intervene if someone is being unduly evasive in CX/crossfire.

Resolved: The costs of a college education outweigh the benefits. Both sides must go Pro.

Add or subtract a word in the resolution.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate:

Special guest star: a varsity debater will give a speech of your choosing for you.

Phone a friend: you can have a partner with you through the entire debate to advise you.

Strike That: strike any argument or card off the flow. The argument no longer exists and the judge may not consider it in the round.

The speaker points of both debaters will be determined based entirely on speaking.

Katie Menick Lives: debaters have three minutes to review their cases prior to the start of the affirmative constructive, but must extemporize their cases without notes.

Extra two minutes total of speaking time to be added to any speech(es) of your choice. 

The 1AR will be five minutes long.

The 3NR: you get a bonus speech

Famous Coach Who Will Remain Nameless Power: the judge gives a live commentary throughout the round, letting the debaters know how s/he is feeling about arguments, the round, or life in general.

No prep.

Only one side gets prep

Mr. District Attorney -- the judge gets to intervene if someone is being unduly evasive in CX/crossfire.

The Fifth Amendment -- the team with the power can refuse to answer any question posed by the opposition without penalty.

The judge is God -- the judge gets to decide which team/individual upholds which side.

Add or subtract a word in the resolution.

Policy Debate:

Evidence Interpretation: The HI Policy Round

No prep (can be used for LD too) [Cruz comment: this is especially evil.]

Only one side gets prep (can be used for LD too)  [Cruz comment: this is the most evil of all!]

Strike That: strike any argument or card off the flow. The argument no longer exists and the judge may not consider it in the round.
Famous Coach Who Will Remain Nameless Power: the judge gives a live commentary throughout the round, letting the debaters know how s/he is feeling about arguments, the round, or life in general.

The 3NR: you get a bonus speech

Policy: Inside Out: The negative starts and ends the debate. In other words, every speech that is usually an aff speech is a neg speech and the reverse.

The judge is God -- the judge gets to decide which team/individual upholds which side.

The Fifth Amendment -- the team with the power can refuse to answer any question posed by the opposition without penalty.

Policy can have the guest star power, the phone a friends power and the 3NR power.

Mr. District Attorney -- the judge gets to intervene if someone is being unduly evasive in CX/crossfire.

Add or subtract a word in the resolution.

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